Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Jeanette Loff

Jeanette Loff was born October 9, 1906 in Cronno, Idaho. There is not much bio information about Jeanette, but we know her father was a famous Danish violinist and she began her career playing the organ in the movie palaces of Portland, Oregon.

Her first film appearance was in 1927 in Uncle Tom's Cabin and she continued to make 20 more films until 1934.

From the NYT 1930 review of Party Girl - "Jeanette Loff, a most attractive girl, plays Ellen Powell. Miss Loff entertains with song during some of the passages. Both she and Mr. Fairbanks do quite well". She also has a role in the same year in the film, The Racketeer, which survives in the public domain. Robert Armstrong of King Kong fame plays the lead opposite Carole Lombard. Jeanette Died of ammonia poisoning in 1942 at the young age of 36.

Jeanette Loff- What do you think? Allure?


The Siren said...

She was lovely. I am reading Tay Garnett's autobiography and he mentions her and alludes to a "tragic death." Not a lot of info out there about her. Was the poison self-administered, do you know?

Unknown said...

Jeanette Loff was my great aunt,
I have her whole life history and
photos, movie stills, jewlery,clothes, memorabilia at my
house.My grandmother told me all
about her and her life. in Beverly Hills on Cresent DR.
Yes her death was very tragic,my
grandmother and Jeanette's family
always thought she was murdered.
If you would like to know more feel
free to contact me, I have to say I
am not to familiar with the internet as this is my fourth day.

E.J. said...

Tammy - I'm writing a book about Paul Bern, who dated Jeanette Loff in the 1930's. Drop me an email at flemingiv@aol.com if you'd like to chat about her. I'd be interested in some info about her.
E.J. Fleming

Bill said...

Re: Death of Ms Loff

California Deaths, 1940 - 1997
Birth Date 10/09/1906 Death Date 08/04/1942
Birth Place IDAHO Death Place LOS ANGELES SSN
Mother Maiden Name LOSETH, Father LOFF,

Thursday, August 06, 1942 Fresno, California
[portions on the left margin are not readable in the scanned document]
The tragic death of Jeannette Loff shocked everyone who remembers how beautiful she was on the screen. I talked with Artie [R]obbins, a close friend of Jeanette and her husband, Bert Friedlob, [?] after the news broke. The coroner had ordered an investigation into her death. According to Artie, Jeanette had been a stomach trouble for several years. She went to the medicine to get some [amphagel?] and mistake took ammonia which caused the severe burns in her and throat. I saw Jeanette a few weeks ago in one of the [?]. She seemed happy and said [she] never missed her movie career afler she retired to marry Friedlob.

Operator_99 said...

Bill, thanks for the additional info.

mganders said...

Tammy, I would love to hear from you. Jeanette Loff was my mother's first cousin. I also have a collection of Jeanette Loff memorabilia. I have always been fascinated by her. I remember visiting her mother, my great aunt, when I was in California as a young girl. Please email me if you see my post.

Anonymous said...

I am curious about comments left by Tammy about the rumor that Jeanette Loff was murdered.

My first thought on hearing of her "accidental" death was to suspect her husband, the liquor distributor.

If anyone can contact Tammy to see if she knows more, please do. I would appreciate hearing from her on this subject.

Anonymous said...

Im Tammys sister I can let her jnow

CaroleLandis said...

Jeannette Loff was a beautiful and talented woman. I've a big fan and I'm glad others remeber her too. I have a blog dedicated to her at http://missjeanetteloff.blogspot.com/

shalla chapel said...

Are her images now in the public domain? She's beautiful

Operator_99 said...

I would suspect some are, but most not. Would also depend on (re)usage.